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About Trilogy Health & Performance

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Do More, Achieve More, Grow More

At Trilogy Health & Performance, our goal is to help people optimize their overall health through transformative experiences that go far beyond simple chiropractic care. With a focus on education, we strive to help everyone understand what true health is so they can access it, allowing them to do more, achieve more and grow more.

With chiropractic care as our foundation, we incorporate nutrition, rehab, functional medicine, functional neurology and soft tissue work to provide a comprehensive, full-person approach to health and healing. We love working with patients who get excited about a new approach that can help them unlock their optimal potential, rather than settling for nothing more than pain relief.


Facilitating Transformation

Many of our patients start as chiropractic patients and then, when they learn how functional medicine and nutrition can address the gaps in their health, they become motivated to take their health to an even higher level.

Combining chiropractic care with functional medicine and nutrition recommendations gives patients a roadmap to implement changes in their lifestyle—and in many cases, those changes lead to incredible transformations. One patient came in with the initial goal of getting out of pain, and with our comprehensive approach, she is no longer testing for the autoimmune markers she started with. She’s going to the gym, playing with her kids and enjoying life again. We love facilitating these total life transformations.

Bringing Whole-Person Natural Health to the Community

Our chiropractor, Dr. Ari D’Aurio, received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from New York Chiropractic College. After working as an associate at another practice, she knew it was time to open her own practice to provide the comprehensive care she envisions for everyone.

Dr. Ari chose Rocky Hill partly because it’s so beautiful and partly because there are many activities and health resources for patients in this area. We’ve built relationships with other providers and gyms in the community to provide our patients with the best approach to natural health.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to book your first appointment and take your health to the next level!

About Trilogy Health & Performance | (860) 529-0828